Social Service Programs
In the Diocese of Sacramento, 18 Appeal-funded charities run nearly 100 programs that serve individuals and families experiencing difficult circumstances.
Catholic Charities of Yolo-SolanoServing: Underserved people in need of material and emotional support “ When someone is going through a horrific time, having our doors open and seeing a hint of light come back into their lives is why we’re here, providing legal help, adult education, food support, counseling and more.” $1,000: provides 10 hours of counseling or case management |
Northern Valley Catholic Social ServiceServing: Families and individuals in need of housing and resources “Our mission is to live out the gospel mission to feed, clothe, shelter and welcome those in need. Without the Appeal, we couldn’t have responded to crisis like COVID-19 and the catastrophic wildfires in our region.” $1,000: allows a family to live in NVCSS housing for nearly two months |
Sacramento Food Bank & Family ServicesServing: Individuals and families experiencing food insecurity “We are dedicated to assisting those in need by alleviating their immediate pain and problems and moving them toward self-sufficiency and financial independence.” $1,000: provides 7,100 lbs of fresh produce or 22 legal consultations. |
Camp ReCreationServing: Adults, teens and children with developmental disabilities “Several campers live in board and care facilities with little family support. It’s heartbreaking to see. The Appeal helps provide scholarships so they too can enjoy our summer camp and year-round activities of friendship.” $1,000: provides scholarships to two campers needing financial assistance |
Mother Teresa Maternity HomeServing: Pregnant women escaping violence, homelessness “Some women arrive with only the clothes on their back. Others are former foster kids wandering, pregnant and alone. The Appeal helps us to find the transitional support and stability they need to raise a healthy family.” $1,000: pays for education or transitional housing for two mothers |
Rancho Cordova Food LockerServing: Families and individuals in need of food “Our founders saw a real need for a local food pantry. We provide free emergency food supplies to 4,000 people every month including seniors, disabled, homeless, working poor and new immigrants.” $1,000: provides baby formula, food and essential products |
Upper Room Dining HallServing: Anyone who hungers for food or companionship “The respect and hope our workers give homeless men and women provides life-sustaining relief from the scorn so many typically receive from the general public. Many have gone on to overcome their circumstances.” $1,000: pays for 280 meals |
Anderson-Cottonwood Christian AssistanceServing: Men, women, families, disabled and elderly needing food “Without the Appeal, more than 2,500 families and individuals would go hungry for months or more.” $1,000: provides food for 100 families of four |
Bishop Gallegos Maternity HomeServing: Homeless, pregnant women “The Annual Catholic Appeal literally saves lives. It takes special people to carry the trauma these women have suffered: to give them a path to feeling human again. Appeal donors give us resources so we can do this work.” $1,000: pays for the daily cost of keeping our home open |
Catholic Ladies Relief SocietyServing: Low income families and individuals who need emergency food “One family was living in a car outside a parent’s home. We helped them with emergency food and referrals to help them find housing. This is just one story among the more than 2,000 families we see in a typical year.” $1,000: provides meals for nearly 100 families for three days |
Community Assistance NetworkServing: Individuals and families, including college students and homeless in need of emergency food “Without your generosity, we would be unable to provide food to those in need. We thank God for each of you every day.” $1,000: provides food supplies to 350 people |
Loaves and FishesServing: Homeless men, women and children needing food and safety “Together, you provide food for the hungry, hope for the hopeless and a future for the lost. Thank you for being our hands and feet... for helping us provide food, education, resources and human connection.” $1,000: provides 1,000 breakfasts, 101 showers or a school day for 10 kids |
Sacramento Life CenterServing: Pregnant mothers and fathers, before, during and after childbirth “Your support saves lives by making it possible for women and men to receive encouraging, life-affirming help and medical attention at a critical time in the lives. We and they are grateful!” $1,000: allows medical support, supplies and encouragement for one |
Salvation Army Food ShelfServing: Individuals and families without resources for food “A family of five was living in a motel room. The father was then injured and couldn’t work. Food stamps helped, but not enough. During their struggle, emergency food from our shelves kept them going.” $1,000: feeds 30 families up to five days |
Society of St. Vincent De PaulServing: The poor and forgotten in 23 cities across the Diocese “Through thousands of personal encounters, home and street visits, workers and volunteers provide respect, comfort and resources to those on the margins. Prison, hospital and eldercare visits help hundreds more.” $1,000: 2 nights of temporary housing to 10 families, or beds for 10 families |
Stanford Settlement Neighborhood CenterServing: Children, teens, seniors and families in our local community “Our programs help children overcome adverse childhood experiences, give teens a safe place to stay out of trouble and face their circumstances. Nutrition, companionship and transportation help seniors to age at home.” $1,000: goes a long way to helping us fulfill our mission |
Wellspring Women’s CenterServing: Women and children with a nutritious morning meal in safety “Every single moment is memorable. With your gift we continue to provide respite and services based on hospitality, dignity and love.” $1,000: provides food for our guests for one month or 50 hours of counseling |
Yuba-Sutter Right To LifeServing: Pregnant women searching for answers and support “Generous contributions allow us to help save moms and the unborn from the heartache of an abortion decision.” $1,000: supports 12 months of public education |
Seminarian EducationServing: Seminarians in formation for priesthood in our Diocese “The Appeal helps with cost of seminary education, which in addition to spiritual formation and studies includes building brotherhood among our current and future priests.” $1,000: helps ensure future priests will serve in our parishes |
Catholic School Tuition AssistanceServing: Students in economically-challenged neighborhoods “Fundraising is difficult for Catholic schools in economically-challenged neighborhoods. The Appeal helps bridge the gap between the need for tuition assistance and available funds.” $1,000: helps a family to remain in the Catholic school community |
Parish Social Outreach
Our 102 parishesServing: Those on the margins in their parish communities “The Appeal is solely dedicated to the social mission of the Church. With resources from the Appeal, parishes are able to open doors and hearts to the mercy of Christ through acts of charity and love.” $1,000: can be directed to parish social outreach or local grants |