Bishop Jaime Soto released his strategic plan, titled “A Hopeful and Effective Sacrament of Christ in Northern California,” on March 6, 2012.
In the plan, the bishop calls upon the Catholic people of the diocese to “revitalize Catholic education, invigorate the formation of the laity, encourage our youth and young adults, challenge them to serve Christ and his church, announce the Gospel in the public square of social media, serve the poor and marginalized more effectively, and harness the resources so this can all be done.”
The priorities identified in the plan are Catholic education, formation of the laity, youth ministry, vocations, communications, Sacramentum Caritatis (the sacrament of charity) and resource development. Each priority is specified with a vision statement and action steps.
Read the full text of the bishop’s strategic plan in English or Spanish from the links below:
Bishop Jaime Soto's Strategic Plan
English (Adobe Acrobat PDF Document)
Español (Adobe Acrobat PDF Document)
Bishop Jaime Soto's Vision Statement
English (Adobe Acrobat PDF Document)
Español (Adobe Acrobat PDF Document)
Executive Summary
(Based on 100 Interviews and 17 Deanery Listening Sessions)
English (Adobe Acrobat PDF Document)
Español (Adobe Acrobat PDF Document)