Our Focus
The Office of Catholic Charities and Social Concerns supports the commitment of the Diocese of Sacramento to respond to the gospel mandate to serve and to stand with the poor, the immigrant, the disabled, and anyone in need.
An extensive network of programs and ministries of charity, advocacy, community organizing and development, and global solidarity strive to make a difference in the lives of those who are vulnerable and suffering in body, mind or spirit, in our local communities and around the world.
The Office integrates the functions of:
- Development and support of parish social ministries
- Administration of the Catholic Charities organizations and programs
- Networking with other community and faith-based programs and ministries
- Liaison with the national offices of Catholic Relief Services, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and Catholic Charities USA
- Liaison with the California Catholic Conference
- Implementation of statewide social ministries, such as Catholic Lobby Day, Get On The Bus, and Restorative Justice Ministry within the local diocese
The Office coordinates with other diocesan ministries and with the Annual Catholic Appeal.