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Your gift matters in 2025.
Together we bring Christ to others
During this Jubilee Year, we come together as Catholics through the Annual Catholic Appeal to recognize the infinite human dignity of every man, woman, child and family – no matter their limitations or circumstances. Bishop Soto reminds us that through our generosity to the Appeal, we become pilgrims of hope, extending our companionship and the mercy of Jesus to those in need.
Thank you for your heartfelt response in 2024.
2024 results demonstrate that God’s people in the Diocese of Sacramento are committed to bringing much needed stability to families and individuals in their most difficult moments. More than $4.6 million in commitments were received from 18,000 Catholics.
You make the difference. 509,000 were helped last year.
Prayerfully consider a gift in 2025 with an online donation or through your parish. Your gift helps ensure that throughout the year our Catholic Charities can respond to the most pressing needs.
Everyone benefits from your gift
The Poor and the Vulnerable
Your generosity enables Catholic charitable organizations and parish ministries to assist people who are in desperate need. Not everyone can be on the front lines providing assistance. Through the Annual Catholic Appeal we can all provide resources that go directly to the organizations in need of support. We can all be there for others through the Appeal.
Seminarians and Catholic Education
The Appeal provides critical support to offset the rising cost of education for seminarians currently in formation to serve as priests in our diocese. The Appeal also provides funds for Catholic School tuition assistance in our most economically challenged communities.
Parish Social Service Ministries
25% of funds contributed to the Appeal are returned to each parish for its own social service ministries. Your participation in the Annual Catholic Appeal has enabled parishes to add new ministries, expand existing programs or support local Catholic community charities.
Each of Us
The Annual Catholic Appeal is an opportunity for each of us to go forth and proclaim the Gospel in our lives by sharing our resources with others in need.