For Teens
Youth on a Mission
Make this year in youth ministry the best ever in your parish. Bring your youth ministry team to meet youth leaders from all over NorCal, get great ideas, understand Catholic Youth Ministry a little better, practice your skills and have a lot of fun doing it! This two day training is for teens, grades 9-12 who are involved in leadership in youth ministry. This training is offered over the summer. For more information go to yoamnorcal.weebly.com
For Youth Ministers
Ministry Days
Ministry Days is an annual training event where over 2000 ministry leaders, teachers, catechists and volunteers from all over the Diocese of Sacramento gather to get inspired, resourced and formed at over 90 workshops from dynamic Catholic speakers. This is also a great opportunity to network and share ideas with people who minister in similar settings. And we will have time to pray and end our day with Mass with Bishop Soto. For more information go to www.ministrydays.com
Curso de Verano
Curso de Verano is a cultural immersion training to help you learn how to better serve Hispanic/Latinos in your youth and young adult ministry. This annual training is sponsored by RECOSS Region XI.
First Things in Youth and Young Adult Ministry
First Things is a seven-session online formation program for those who are looking to renew, refresh or re-evaluate their youth ministry or young adult ministry efforts. Learn here about it.
- OYYA Youth & Young Adult Ministry Handbook
- USCCB Document: Renewing the Vision (1997) - Framework for Comprehensive Youth Ministry
- USCCB Document: Listen, Teach, Send (2024) - New Framework for Ministry with Young People | PDF
- Ablaze Ministry
- Ascension Presents - Videos for Ministry and Formation
- Ascension Press
- Catholic Youth Ministry Hub
- Christus Vivit - Executive Summary
- FORMED - Books, CD’s, Videos you can use for formation
- Interlinc - Music Resources for Your Ministry
- La Red National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana
- LifeTeen - One Box Soluntion to Lead Your Teens to Christ
- NFCYM - National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry
- ODB Films - Connecting Jesus to Youth through digital media
- Our Sunday Visitor
- Project YM
- St. Mary's Press
Important Forms & Guidelines