
As we approach the new school year, our mission remains the same: serving our students and families and creating disciples of Jesus.

Dorothy spent at least three hours of her day in prayer.
Catholic Herald Magazine

Academies provide a virtual education option for Catholic school students across the country

Ned reflects on dialogue with elected leaders
Catholic Herald Magazine

We celebrate the 5th anniversary of the declaration of this bishop as “Venerable”.
Diocese of Sacramento, Bishop Alphonse Gallegos

Steve and Terrie testify to the Lord's call to come home to the church
Catholic Herald Magazine

In cover story, 'Come to the Table' convocation strengthens collaboration between clergy and laity
Catholic Herald Magazine

Catholics are reminded of their obligation to attend the Sunday Sacrifice of the Mass.

Religious Freedom Week is June 22 - 29
Diocese of Sacramento

Jesus has given us the great Sacramentum Caritatis, the Sacrament of Charity.
Bishop's Office