Distance Learning through May 1, 2020 in all Schools of the Diocese of Sacramento

Dear Catholic School Families:

On Friday, we announced that we will remain in Distance Learning mode, with campuses closed to students, through May 1 in Sacramento, Solano, and Placer Counties. Over the weekend, Butte, Nevada, and Tehama Counties followed suit with similar announcements. Furthermore, at a press conference yesterday, President Trump announced social distancing through April 30.

As such, we have decided to remain in Distance Learning mode, with campuses closed to students, for all schools of the Diocese of Sacramento through May 1, 2020. President Trump and the counties all cited the interests of public health as the motivating factor behind social distancing and the extension of school campus closures, and we are working with them in slowing the spread of COVID-19.

I am grateful for the efforts that parents, teachers, principals, and all in our communities are making in support of our students. I am encouraged and inspired by the progress our students are making under Distance Learning, and we are blessed that we can use technology to share faith, community, and growth with them and with you. Thank you for your commitment to Catholic education.


Lincoln Snyder
Superintendent and Executive Director of Schools
The Diocese of Sacramento