Distance Learning Extended through April 20, 2020

Dear Catholic School Community:

In view of county shelter-in-place decrees and in consultation with public authorities, I am writing to inform you that we are extending our Distance Learning program for all Catholic school students of the Diocese of Sacramento, with all campuses remaining closed to students through April 20, 2020.

Last Monday, the schools of the Diocese of Sacramento began our Distance Learning program, and I would like to thank all the teachers, staff, principals, parents, and students who have made this transition a successful one. Our teachers did their utmost to be ready for their students with very little notice, and our parents have all made significant sacrifices to be there for their kids. I am proud to report that all our schools are now successfully educating our students remotely. This is not a small deal; Catholic schools are leading the way with this program, showing that we can keep students in community and learning despite the current challenges. Parents, these successes would not be possible without your support and engagement.

A Catholic school is not the building; the school is the people. These are uncharted waters for all of us, but with God and our kids as our rallying points, we are finding new ways to be in community. Jesus teaches us to “Be not afraid,” and as we near Easter and our celebration of the Risen Christ, we are grateful for the gift of our children and our faith.


Lincoln Snyder
Superintendent and Executive Director of Schools
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento