Safe Environment Prayer
Lord, we implore your mercy
Good and Gracious God,
Hear the humble prayer of your people as we implore your mercy for the wrong that has been committed and the harm that has been done.
Bring healing to all who have suffered abuse and restore them to fullness of life.
Grant the spirit of repentance and penitence to all who have broken sacred trust and abused your beloved children.
Reconcile us to one another and never allow us to be parted from you.
We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your son, who has freed us from sin and death, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer adapted from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Señor, imploramos tu misericordia
Dios Bueno y Misericordioso,
Escucha la humilde oración de tu pueblo implorando tu misericordia por el mal que se ha cometido y el daño que se ha hecho.
Permite que sanen todos los que han sufrido abusos y devuélvelos a la plenitud de la vida.
Concede el espíritu de arrepentimiento y penitencia a todos los que han roto la confianza sagrada y han abusado de tus amados hijos.
Reconcílianos unos con otros y nunca permitas que nos separemos de ti.
Te lo pedimos por nuestro Señor Jesucristo tu hijo que nos ha librado del pecado y la muerte, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.
Oración adaptada de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos Australianos
For Parents
- Talking To Young People About the Scandals in the Catholic Church - Roy Petitfils, LPC offers tips for parents, teachers and ministers on how to discuss the recent scandals in the Catholic Church with young people, Video
- How to Talk to Children About the Church Sex Abuse Scandal (Catholic News Agency)
- Defend Innocence - Age appropriate information to share with children & teens
- The Clerical Sex Abuse Scandal: What Parents Can Do & How to Talk to Your Kids (Jerry Windley-Daoust, Peanut Butter & Grace)
Prayer Resources
- Diocese of Sacramento Prayer Card: English - Español
- Stations of the Cross for Healing from Clergy Sexual Abuse: English - Español
- USCCB Rosary for Healing and Protection: English - Español
- Prayer for Healing Victims of Abuse (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
- Prayers and Intercessions from the Day of Prayer for Survivors and Victims of Sexual Abuse (Irish Catholic Bishops Conference)
- A Novena of Saints for a Church in Crisis (Meg Hunter-Kilmer, PiercedHands.com)
- Liturgy and Prayer Resources (Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions)
- Prayer for the Church in this Time of Crisis (The Association of Liturgical Ministers)
- Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's "Way of the Cross" meditations and prayers (given in 2005 at the Colosseum in Rome)
- Hours of Eucharistic Adoration in Reparation
- Prayer of Reparation
- Meditation on Reparation and Divine Intimacy
- A Holy Hour of Reparation
- 5 Devotional Practices to Weather the Storm of the Abuse Crises (Catechist)
- If One Member Suffers, We All Suffer Together With It (Letter from Pope Francis)
- USCCB Chairman Response to Pennsylvania Grand Jury Reports (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
- USCCB National Review Board Calls for Lay Leadership Amid Sexual Abuse Crisis (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
- The Church Sex Abuse Crisis: What You Need to Know (A collection of news and articles on the clergy abuse crisis compiled by America Magazine)
- Eight lessons to help us move forward from the sex abuse crisis (America magazine)
- The Darkness of Scandal and the Light of Christ (Leah Murphy, LifeTeen)
- When Leaders Fail (LifeTeen)
- Youth Ministry: Addressing the Sad Reality of Sexual Abuse (Center for Parent / Youth Understanding)
- Dear Catholic Bishops: This is Not The Time to Play Defense (Katie Prejean McGrady, America Magazine)
- Grieving with You: On the Clergy Abuse and What We Can Do (Blessed is She)
- The Church and Clergy in Crisis: 7 Practical First Steps We Must Take (Word on Fire)
- Coping with the clergy sex abuse crisis: How do we keep the faith amid such betrayal? How do we talk to our kids about this? Here’s what you need to know (Catholic Digest)
- In the midst of sex abuse allegations, what is Catholic layperson to do? (Catholic Digest)
Youth Ministry Programming
- A Time Such as This: A Life Night on Scandal and Corruption in the Church (LifeTeen)
- A Listening Session for Teens on the Mishandling of Sexual Abuse by Clergy - This session, developed by Saint Mary's Press, allows young people in a school or parish to gather in a safe and trusting place to voice their feelings, thoughts, and concerns in light of the recent publicity of sexual abuse by priest
Videos and Audio
- The Pennsylvania Sex Abuse Scandal (Fr. Mike Schmitz, Ascension Presents)
- Why Remain Catholic? (With So Much Scandal) (Bishop Robert Barron, Word on Fire)
- Q&A about the Sexual Abuse Crisis (Bishop Robert Barron, Word on Fire)
- Bishop Barron on Ezekiel and the Sex Abuse Crisis (Bishop Robert Barron, Word on Fire)
- Belief, Faith, and the Church Sex Scandal (Dave Rubin, The Rubin Report) (link starts at 21:02)
- Interview with Fr. Thomas Berg, author of "Hurting in the Church: A Way Forward for Wounded Catholics" (Our Sunday Visitor)
- Promise to Protect Podcasts (USCCB)
Small Group Materials
- Healing Our Church - RENEW International
- Courageous Conversations to Have About the Clergy Sexual Abuse Crisis - Developed by Dr. Dobie Moser and Dr. Sean Reynolds (Mustard Seed Consultants) to assist in processing the crisis with small groups.
- Having Critical Conversations on the Church Sexual Abuse Crisis (Dr. Dobie Moser and Roy Petitfils)
Resources en Español
- Señor, imploramos tu misericordia
- Cuatro Conversaciones con Valentía - Dr. Dobie Moser and Sr. Sean Reynolds
- Caminen en la Luz - Una Respuesta Pastoral al Abuso Sexual de Menores (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
- 10 consejos para prevenir el abuso sexual en niños (Eres Mama)
Homily / Reflection Preparation Tips
- CARA reports: New allegations of sexual abuse within the Church are consistent with historical pattern
- Biblical Wisdom for Troubled Times (Word on Fire)
Parish Resources
- Healing Our Church - RENEW International
- The Parish Emergency Kit: Responding with Compassion when Tragedy Strikes (Twenty-Third Publications)
- Teaching with Current Events: Church in Times of Crisis - September 2018 (Sophia Institute, a free downloadable lesson)