William Storan

Status / Diocesan Response: Retired without faculties 2001
Year and Place of Birth: 1936, Ireland
Seminary Attended: St. Patrick's College, Ireland
Date Ordained / Connection to Diocese: Ordained in 1961 as priest of the Diocese of Sacramento
Assignments in Diocese of Sacramento
- 1961-1967: St. Thomas, Oroville
- 1967-1971: Our Lady of Assumption, Carmichael
- 1971-1974: St. Thomas More, Paradise
- 1974-1986: Sacred Heart, Susanville
- 1986-2001: St. Basil, Vallejo
Reporting Victims
Date range of alleged abuse: 1974
- Female, between the ages of 18-25
- Nature of accusation(s): Sexual touching and sexual intercourse
- Year reported to diocese: 2001