Jose Antonio Pinal

Status / Last Known Location: Returned to Mexico 1989. Felony charges filed in 2002, later dropped.
Diocesan Response: Faculties removed by Diocese in 1989. Excardination to Diocese of Cuernavaca, Mexico permitted 1991. Felony child sexual abuse charges filed in 2002, later dropped. Since 2002, Diocese of Sacramento has made repeated attempts to convince Church leaders in Mexico to bar Pinal from ministry.
Year and Place of Birth: 1952, Mexico
Seminary Attended: Seminario Conciliar, Mexico
Date Ordained / Connection to Diocese: Ordained May 1980 as priest of the Diocese of Sacramento
Assignments in Diocese of Sacramento
- 1980-1986: Sacred Heart, Gridley; Our Lady of Lourdes, Colusa
- 1986-1989: St. Anthony, Winters
Reporting Victims
Date range of alleged abuse: 1981-1986
- Male, under age of 14
- Nature of accusation(s): Sexual touching and fondling, masturbation, sodomy/penetration
- Year reported to diocese: 1989
- Male, under age of 18
- Nature of accusation(s): Admitted to abuse of minor; details unknown
- Year reported to diocese: 1989
- Male, under age of 18
- Nature of accusation(s): Admitted to abuse of minor; details unknown
- Year reported to diocese: 1989
- Male, under age of 18
- Nature of accusation(s): Admitted to abuse of minor; details unknown
- Year reported to diocese: 1989
- Female, under age of 14
- Nature of accusation(s): Oral copulation
- Year reported to diocese: 2016