Parish | Parish City | Youth Ministry Coordinator | Contact |
Sacred Heart | Alturas | Kristin Daly | mariestang68@yahoo.com |
Sacred Heart | Anderson | Renae Magana | renaemagana@ymail.com |
St. Joseph | Auburn | Rebecca Gonnella |
deadtheologianssocietyauburn@gmail.com |
St. Joseph | Auburn | Katie Massick |
deadtheologianssocietyauburn@gmail.com |
St. Teresa of Avila | Auburn | Kate Laferriere | kate_laf@stteresaauburn.com 530-889-2254 ext 104 |
St. Dominic | Benicia | Lisa Toomey | ltoomey@stdombenicia.org 707-335-4697 |
St. Francis of Assisi | Burney | Rev Fernando Meza | |
Our Lady of the Assumption | Carmichael | Johann Rubia-Miller | youth@olaparish.net 916-481-5115 |
St. John the Evangelist | Carmichael | ||
Our Lady of the Snows | Chester | Faye Wilkinson | fenkaye@frontier.com 530-256-3344 |
Our Divine Savior | Chico | Rev. Martin Ramat | odsyouthministry@yahoo.com |
St. John the Baptist | Chico | Manny O'Horan | manny@sjbchico.org 530-343-8741 |
Holy Family | Citrus Heights | ||
Immaculate Conception | Corning | Eva Isalas | evaislas1012@gmail.com |
St. James | Davis | Kiana Nava | youthministry@stjamesdavis.net 530- 756-3636 ex209 |
St. Peter | Dixon | Hailie Castaneda | 707-316-9047 |
Immaculate Conception | Downieville | Betty Jo Lang | 530-289-3102 |
Holy Trinity | El Dorado Hills |
Good Shepherd | Elk Grove | groveyouthministry@gmail.com |
St. Joseph | Elk Grove | groveyouthministry@gmail.com |
St. Maria Goretti | Elk Grove | groveyouthministry@gmail.com |
St. Mel | Fair Oaks | ||
Holy Spirit | Fairfield | youthministry@holyspiritfairfield.org 707-425-3138 x504 |
Our Lady of Mount Carmel | Fairfield | (707) 844-0716 |
St. John the Baptist | Folsom | Aaron Santos | asantos@folsomcatholic.org 916-985-2065 |
Sacred Heart | Fort Jones | Ed & Melissa Johnson | |
St. Christopher | Galt | Eva Delgado | renevade@softcom.net 209-745-1389 |
St. Joseph Marello | Granite Bay | Katerina Austin | 916-538-4250 |
St. Patrick | Grass Valley | Dcn Richard | stpatsdcnrick@gmail.com 530-273-2336 |
Sacred Heart | Gridley | 530-846-2140 | |
St. Katharine Drexel | Jackson | ymstkatharinedrexel@gmail.com 209-223-2970 |
St. Paul | Knights Landing | Hermenegildo Valera | 530-735-6478 |
St. Joseph | Lincoln | Dianna Noyes | dlnoyes53@gmail.com 916-645-2684 |
St. Joseph | Lincoln | Paul Swagerty | pswagerty@gmail.com 916-899-1302 |
St. Joseph | Marysville | Dale Walker | dalelynn7@comcast.net 530-742-6461 |
St. Joseph | Marysville | Jesus Orozco | stjoseph1155@sbcglobal.net 530- 964-9774 |
St. Anthony | Mount Shasta | Donna & Paul Chapman | |
St. Lawrence | North Highlands | Josué Barraza | stl.josueb.ym@gmail.com 916-544-9034 |
Divine Savior | Orangevale | ||
Divine Savior | Orangevale | Denise Hackett | denise@divinesavior.com 916-989-7411 |
St. Dominic | Orland | Mike & Pauline Mattoon | st.dominiccyo380@yahoo.com 530-321-3771 |
St. Thomas the Apostle | Oroville | Elizabeth Soria | esoria143@gmail.com |
St. Thomas More | Paradise | Phil Bartek | philbartek@gmail.com 530-877-4501 |
St. Patrick | Placerville | Kathy Kasnic |
kkasnic@stpatpv.org |
Holy Family | Portola | Jim Richards | 530-832-5006 |
St. John Vianney | Rancho Cordova | Derek Ekwall & Monica Ibanez | youthministry@sjvparish.com |
Sacred Heart | Red Bluff | Rev. Charles Kelly | |
Our Lady of Mercy | Redding | ||
St. Joseph | Redding | Rev. Eric Lofgren | |
St. Joseph | Rio Vista | Dan Mahoney | stjosephoffice@stjosephriovista.org 707-374-2155 |
SS Peter and Paul | Rocklin | Nancy VonThaden | nancy.vonthaden@rocklincatholic.org 916- 624-5827 x203 |
St. Clare | Roseville | Andres Gonzalez | YouthMinistry@stclareroseville.org |
St. Rose of Lima | Roseville | Joshua Hollcraft | joshua.h@strosechurch.org |
All Hallows/St. Peter | Sacramento | ||
Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament | Sacramento | Titi Kila | benedictusyg@gmail.com 916-444-5364 |
Divine Mercy | Sacramento | Dave Leahy (Squires) | djleahy1966@gmail.com |
Divine Mercy | Sacramento | Jessica Perez (Youth Ministry Coordinator) | jessisills23@gmail.com |
Immaculate Conception | Sacramento | Gabe Trejo | |
Immaculate Conception | Sacramento | Lorelis Ploce | lorelis1997@gmail.com |
Our Lady of Guadalupe | Sacramento | ||
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary | Sacramento | ||
Sacred Heart | Sacramento | Paul Sundstrom | |
St. Anne | Sacramento | ||
St. Anthony | Sacramento | Jennifer Morgan | jmorgan@stasac.org 916-428-5678 |
St. Charles Borromeo | Sacramento | ||
St. Francis of Assisi | Sacramento | ||
St. Ignatius Loyola | Sacramento | ||
St. Jeong-Hae Elizabeth | Sacramento | Andrew Kim | 916-368-9204 |
St. Joseph | Sacramento | ||
St. Mary | Sacramento | Mary Willett | mary@sacramentohomes.net |
St. Mary | Sacramento | Dominic Ielati (high school) | hsyouth@stmarysacto.org |
St. Paul | Sacramen | 916-381-5200 |
St. Philomene | Sacramento | ||
St. Robert | Sacramento | ||
St. Rose | Sacramento | ||
St. Stephen the First Martyr | Sacramento | Matthew McNeely | mattmcmc@yahoo.com 916-455-5114 |
Vietnamese Catholic Martyrs Church | Sacramento | Vina Nguyen | vina.nguyen@veym.net |
St. Theresa | South Lake Tahoe | ||
Sacred Heart | Susanville | Shane and Venessa Bowman | bowmantryb@gmail.com 530-257-3230 |
St. Joseph | Vacaville | Kate Butcher & Janine Bernardo | katemalon@gmail.com jncb17@gmail.com |
St. Mary | Vacaville | Andreya Arevalo | 707-446-4231 andreya@stmarysvacaville.com |
St. Basil | Vallejo | Julie Kissinger | jules6063@sbcglobal.net 707-644-5251 |
St. Catherine of Siena | Vallejo | 707-553-1355 |
St. Vincent Ferrer | Vallejo | 707-644-8396 |
Holy Family | Weed | Chela Tapia |
tapia75@sbcglobal.net |
Our Lady of Grace | West Sacramento | Jeremy Arcinas |
olgwsyouthministry@gmail.com 707-372-4863 |
Sacred Heart | Williams | Martha Torres | lmj_amores3@hotmail.com 530-473-2432 |
St. Monica | Willows | Elvira Lara-Quezada | smile4ever.lara@gmail.com 530-934-3314 |
St. Anthony | Winters | Dawn Barrera | stanthonystmartin@gmail.com 530-795-2230 |
St. Anthony | Winters | Enrique Jimenez | jimenez_patricia@yahoo.com 530-795-2230 |
St. Joseph | Yreka | Rev. Ronald Torres | |
St. Isidore | Yuba City | Daniel Quiroz | dquiriz@stisidore-yubacity.org 530-673-1573 |