
Dominican Father Michael Sweeney is devoting to equipping laity to bring the light of Christ into their professions and communities
Catholic Herald Magazine, Lay Ministry Formation and Support

That's what happens when Bob 'brings Jesus' to patients at Mercy San Juan Medical Center
Catholic Herald Magazine

From Aug. 3 to 11, join in a novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of unborn children
Diocese of Sacramento

Deacon Errol and Julie say 'ministry is broader than what we do at one parish'
Catholic Herald Magazine, Lay Ministry Formation and Support

He served the Diocese of Sacramento as a priest for 63 years

Rector-president of St. Patrick's Seminary & University died July 11; funeral Mass will be celebrated on July 23 at St. Mary's Cathedral in San Francisco
Diocese of Sacramento

Diocese is currently accepting applications for cohort two, starting in January 2020
Catholic Herald Magazine, Lay Ministry Formation and Support

Lay Mission Project helps the laity deepen their faith and participate in Jesus' mission to the world
Catholic Herald Magazine, Lay Ministry Formation and Support

The action follows the delivery of tens of thousands of letters, emails and phone calls from Catholics and others concerned with the free expression of religion
Diocese of Sacramento

Features stories on Lay Mission Project participants 'living the call to discipleship,' plus the diocese welcomes three new priests
Catholic Herald Magazine