
Patrick Arguelles is living proof that Catholic schools do matter.
Catholic Herald Magazine, Schools

Robyn Williams is living proof that Catholic schools do matter.
Catholic Herald Magazine, Schools

Ameyalli Chavez is living proof that Catholic schools do matter.
Catholic Herald Magazine, Schools

"The practices of abortion and euthanasia have no place in human heart and should have no place in California law."
Diocese of Sacramento

"Let us honor the memory of Rev. King by returning to what he called 'the best in the American dream and the most sacred values in our Judeo-Christian heritage,'" writes Archbishop Gomez.

Truth & "Likes" will dive into the various communication tools available to parishes and how to better use them.
Diocese of Sacramento

St. Ignatius Parish and School in Sacramento connect to experiences of young people.
Catholic Herald Magazine

To build one nation, begin with one person, one parish, one school, one neighborhood, one community, sowing the seeds of the one hope of salvation found in the one Lord, Jesus.
Catholic Herald Magazine

Archbishop Gomez: 'We must pray urgently that our world's leaders will pursue dialogue and seek peace'

Q&A with Bob McCarty on why disaffiliated young people are a graced opportunity.
Diocese of Sacramento