
Saint Joseph suggests to us three key words for each individual’s vocation.
The Pope

La verdadera santidad nos hace discípulos de Jesús y misioneros de su evangelio.
Bishop's Office

True holiness makes us disciples of Jesus and missionaries of his gospel.
Bishop's Office

You can learn from and rely upon one another's strengths.
Catholic Herald Magazine

Pope Francis will open the month of prayer on May 1, asking for Mary’s intercession.
The Vatican

The World Day of Prayer for Vocations unites the faithful in praying for those currently discerning and living out vocations to ordained ministry and consecrated life.

As we receive this result, we recall that God is the source of all justice, love, and mercy.

Clients come to us “hurting, confused or often hopeless,” says Deacon Jack.
Catholic Herald Magazine

What is the absolute best weapon God gave us to help with anxiety?
Catholic Herald Magazine

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Safe Environment, Clergy Abuse