
Among the items, they discussed the draft of a statement that is meant to be a reflection on the transformative beauty of the Eucharist that invites each of us into a deeper relationship with Christ

"We have faced unprecedented challenges over the past 19 months"

Find copies of all documents sent to pastors/parochial administrators, a video message from Bishop Soto, and video instructions for parish facilitators by clicking on the headline above

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Bishop Soto to attend USCCB fall general assembly Nov. 15-18 in Baltimore

The theme is "Hope through stewardship"
Catholic Herald Magazine

'The challenge posed by climate change demands ongoing effort from all of us'

Marriage is an "outward sign of God's presence in the world," Raul and Amelina say, talking about their own 31-year journey
Catholic Herald Magazine

Dioceses across the U.S. will hold events to foster an appreciation for all vocations