
The pilgrimage sites are all eleven parishes named for St. Joseph.
Year of St. Joseph

The inspirational videos are shot outdoors to take advantage of the mountain and forest scenery not far from the rectory.
Catholic Herald Magazine, Holy Family - Portola

These new options are for families seeking an online-only learning option.

The funeral center will further the growth of CFCS's ministry and better serve the Catholic and Christian communities
Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services

Parishioners of St. Monica in Willows bring 'joy and comfort' during the pandemic
Catholic Herald Magazine, St. Monica - Willows

Some found not only a new cohesion, but also positive experiences with online schooling.
Catholic Herald Magazine, Schools

With him we are more than conquerors, so let us pray.
Catholic Herald Magazine

Renovation of historic St. Joseph Church in Marysville unites parishioners
Catholic Herald Magazine, St. Joseph - Marysville

Revoco la dispensa general de la obligación de asistir a Misa los domingos y días de precepto, a partir del domingo, 20 de junio de 2021.

Anulo la dispensa general de la obligación de asistir a la misa dominical. A partir del domingo 20 de junio de 2021, todos los fieles católicos de la Diócesis de Sacramento están obligados a asistir personalmente y a participar activamente en la celebración dominical del Sacrificio de la Misa (Canon 1247).