
Parishioners celebrate 'Care for Our Common Home'
St. Anthony - Sacramento

Let us be respectful towards one another as we navigate this ever-changing environment.
Schools, Coronavirus

Parishioners are encouraged to wear masks while indoors regardless of one's vaccination status.

Standing beside those who suffer on a path of charity
The Pope

"Today, our Ukrainian community in Sacramento reaches out to all our Catholic brethren to remember Ukraine and its people in your prayers."
Diocese of Sacramento

Gifts are plentiful for St. Philomene School students through Dual Language Immersion
Schools, St. Philomene School - Sacramento

As mom and principal, she strives to make her Catholic school more inclusive
St. John the Evangelist School - Carmichael

Those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.

An investigation was conducted into allegations of conduct that would violate the Church’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.
Safe Environment, Clergy Abuse

Wishing you all a blessed Catholic Schools Week!