
"This unique moment necessitates a society and an economy that supports marriages, families, and women."

Este fue un momento lleno de gracia para escuchar una amplia gama de experiencias.

This was a grace-filled time to listen to a wide range of experiences.

The theme is 'Hallmarks of a Welcoming Church: A Eucharistic Church, with a life-giving spirit reflecting Christ's salvific grace upon all
Catholic Herald Magazine

Father Erik Pereira, new priest for the diocese, shares his journey to the priesthood
Catholic Herald Magazine

He served St. Joseph Parish in Redding since his ordination with first class of permanent deacons in 1981
St. Joseph - Redding

Theresa and Roxanne of GriefShare ministry accompany the sorrowful
Catholic Herald Magazine

Jenny turned her 'life and will over to God' in recovery
Catholic Herald Magazine

'The Dobbs decision presents a historic opportunity to reshape society for the better'

In addition to Sacramento, he served other West Coast dioceses
Ecumenical and Interreligious Commission