
Deacon Guzman remains without ministerial faculties in the Diocese of Sacramento.
Clergy Abuse

God's grace touches those seeking full communion with the Church
Catholic Herald Magazine

Science and technology best serve young people and all of us when they help us experience the awesome dimensions of God’s creation and the unimaginable scope of God’s wisdom and mercy.
Catholic Herald Magazine

The face of the Blessed Mother caught my attention.
Diocese of Sacramento

This technological age tempts us to think we can conform natural forces to our own image and likeness.
Diocese of Sacramento

The person of Jesus, Son of God and Son of Mary, came to this place.
Diocese of Sacramento

The Filipino people savor with delight their devotion to the Blessed Mother Mary.
Diocese of Sacramento

The funeral Mass was simple and solemn, in accord with Benedict XVI’s wishes
The Pope

The first impression's jarring judgments eventually give way to rhythms and patterns that reveal the soul of a people.
Diocese of Sacramento

The funeral will be held under the sign of 'simplicity," and a 'solemn but sober funeral'
The Pope