My heart aches for our brothers and sisters in the Asian communities who feel threatened by the rise in violence targeted at them. Violence against any person or group wounds us all. Such attacks bring a dark cloud of fear and vulnerability, which no one should suffer.
Our faith in a merciful God, who is Father of us all, compels us to affirm the mutual bonds of respect and charity that give strength to the cultural diversity of our Nation. Remember the words of St. Paul to the Ephesians, “You are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God.” (Eph. 2.19)
Racism is a sin that blinds judgment and warps actions. During this time of Lent, may we examine the ways we can be good neighbors for one another. Repulsed by the violence, may we be even more resolved to build strong, caring communities. This is the path that will free us from the evil of racism.
In the wake of these senseless, heartbreaking attacks, join me in accompanying our Asian brothers and sisters. Let us pray for the victims of racial violence. We implore the Lord God: move the hearts of all who seek to do harm to conversion and repentance. May the intercession and maternal counsel of our Blessed Mother Mary grant us the wisdom and charity of her Son, Jesus.