The July-August issue of Catholic Herald magazine has been published. The theme for this issue is youth and racism. The digital edition of the magazine is available at
In the cover story of the July-August issue, Deacon Casey Walker of St. Basil Parish in Vallejo, chair of the diocese's Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism, says there is much work still to be done in combating
racism and discrimination. “The history of racism in our country is centuries old and unfortunately still thrives today,” he says. “As a nation and as a people of God, we are making improvements but the going is
slow. We must be the change if we want it to occur."
Other feature stories in this issue include Bishop Jaime Soto's column on: "Like the pandemic during this year, racism can be contagious"; four young adults of the diocese (Luisa Quiroz, Andrew Wood, Lizzy Fahey and Alex Lupercio) share how they have experienced life as missionary disciples in the United States and abroad; how Paulist Father Bart Landry coordinates Black Catholic ministry with the perspective of inclusive spirituality; how Adriana Walker of St. Basil Parish in Vallejo hopes that young adults will speak out about prejudice and racism; Charlene Harris of St. Joseph Parish in Sacramento says no effort is too small to counteract racism; and Father Ryan Mahar, new priest of the diocese, says priesthood is "the way for me to be fully alive in the Lord." A special report by Deacon Kevin Staszkow examines "What are youth and young adults looking for from the church?"
Bishop Jaime Soto is the publisher of Catholic Herald magazine, which is published six times each year and includes moving faith stories about Catholics in the diocese, as well as news and events of the local church. Individual faith stories are the cornerstone of the magazine and columns also explore the Catholic faith and education about church teachings. To donate $15 per year to receive Catholic Herald, call 916-733-0266 or visit To view the archive of past issues of Catholic Herald magazine, visit