Diocese Observes Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with Ecumenical Gathering

On Tuesday, January 21, the Diocese of Sacramento observed the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with an evening of prayer, discussion, and worship at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church.

Bishop Jaime Soto and Auxiliary Bishop Rey Bersabal welcomed faith leaders from various Christian traditions to reflect on Christ’s call for unity within His Church.

This annual January observance is a time for Christians to pray for the full, visible unity willed by Christ when He prayed: “That they may all be one” (John 17:21). This year’s theme, “We Believe,” marked the 1700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, where the Church solemnly proclaimed the Nicene Creed, defending the truth of Christ’s divinity against heresy and establishing a profession of faith that remains central to Catholic teaching.

Sponsored by the North State Ecumenical Conference, the evening’s events sought to deepen understanding and foster authentic Christian fellowship. The gathering included:

  • A faith-sharing meal, allowing participants to engage in conversation and reflection.
  • A panel discussion on the Nicene Creed, emphasizing its role in uniting Christians in fundamental truths of faith.
  • A candlelit worship service, incorporating intercessory prayer, Scripture, and sacred music, featuring the St. Francis School Choir.

As the Catholic Church continues to proclaim the fullness of truth entrusted to her by Christ, gatherings such as these serve as a witness to the enduring mission to bring all people into full communion with the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

Video Recordings:
Panel Discussion – Watch here
Worship Service – Watch here

Let us continue to pray for the unity of all Christians in the one faith, under the one Shepherd, in the one Church founded by Christ.