I grant a dispensation to members of the Catholic Faithful sixty years of age and older as well as those suffering vulnerable health conditions from the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday. This dispensation will continue until further notice.
This dispensation is provided in cooperation with public health officials from local counties in order to protect vulnerable populations from contact with the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.
I instruct the pastors of parishes in the Diocese to educate the faithful about this dispensation as well as other public health precautions to be observed at this time.
Please pray for those afflicted with COVID-19, their families, and all caregivers. May intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary bring us the healing mercy and grace of her Son, Jesus.
Given at the Diocesan Pastoral Center in Sacramento on this eleventh day of March, in the year of Our Lord, two thousand and twenty.
+Jaime Soto
Bishop of Sacramento
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