On June 24, 2022, Roe v Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court. This was a step forward toward a Culture of Life. Unfortunately, Proposition One was passed in the State of California, imbedding the practice of abortion in the State Constitution. Abortion is still legal and without limitation in California. Recognizing the sin of legalized abortion still afflicting the people of California, I designate Monday, January 22, as a Diocesan Day of Reparation.
The Catholic Faithful and all people of goodwill are encouraged to observe this Day of Reparation with prayers for the legal protection of human life, works of mercy, and penance for the persistent violations of human dignity by the practice of abortion.
I invite the clergy and laity to join me in offering a Mass of Reparation at the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament on Monday, January 22nd, 2024, 12:10 pm.
I encourage my brother priests and deacons to pray and preach for a merciful end to abortion as well as a renewed promotion of the Gospel of Life on the weekend of January 20-21. Promote among all parishioners the observance of the Diocesan Day of Reparation on January 22nd.
The Offices of Family & Faith Formation and Youth & Young Adult Ministry will provide the following local Respect Life activities in January.
• January 10-18th - The Diocesan Pro-Life Eucharistic Adoration (PLEA) Novena will be led by different parishes each day. This will be an opportunity to unite our pro-life efforts with the saving work of Jesus in the Eucharist. May Jesus, “the Bread of Life” (Jn. 6.35), help us nourish the world with the gospel of life. Each day will focus on a specific pro-life theme. For the full schedule, visit: www.scd.org/plea.
• January 13th – The Annual Respect Life Gathering, includes parish respect life coordinators and our collaborators from the community will be held at St. Lawrence the Martyr Parish. For more information, visit: www.scd.org/event/annual-respect-life-gathering.
• January 22nd - Respect Life Mass at the Cathedral Blessed Sacrament. For more information, visit: https://www.scd.org/event/annual-pro-life-mass-reparation
• Walk for Life in SF- Several parishes from the diocese have chartered buses to attend the event. If you would like to attend and need a ride, you can get information from their website, at https://wflbusreg.web.app/buses.html
May the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary bring us into fuller communion with the merciful mission of our Lord Jesus Christ.
To read Bishop Soto's letter in PDF form Click Here: