Whether you live in a rural or urban area, our goal is the same - We are here to serve you, the People of God! As ministers, we will support you according to your parish needs.
We are here to help all people, regardless of your vocation, occupation or location. The first and foremost place where ministry occurs is in the tasks of our daily life.
All people are called to ministry by virture of their baptism. At baptism, we become a member of the priesthood of all believers. As such, we are called to share in Christ's ministry as Priest, Prophet and King.
[The laity] are called there by God so that by exercising their proper function and being led by the spirit of the gospel they can work for the sanctification of the world from within, in the manner of leaven. In this way they can make Christ known to others, especially by the testimony of a life resplendent in faith, hope and charity. (Lumen Gentium 34)
National Organizations for Ministry Leaders
Spiritual Development
A Selection of Catholic Apps
Catechetical Conferences
Webinars for DRE/CRE
"What is called for is an evangelization capable of shedding light on these new ways of relating to God, to others, and to the world around us, and inspiring essential values." (Evangelii Gaudium, 74)