"Formation is not the privilege of a few, but a right and duty of all. [...] The more we are formed and the more we feel the need to pursue and deepen our formation, still more will we be formed and be rendered capable of forming others." (Christifideles Laici 63)
- Provide a solid and complete introduction to the Catholic Faith to the laity
- Provide foundational elements of spiritual development and ministerial identity building for the laity
- Provide the coursework required for Basic Catechist/Lay Ministry Certification
- Provide the coursework required for Renewal of Certification
- Anyone who wishes to learn more about the Catholic Faith
- Catechists
- Catholic School teachers
- Other lay ministers
- Candidates for the Deaconate program
Course- Introduction to the Catholic Faith: Catechetical Foundations
Catechetical Foundations is a course for anyone in the Diocese of Sacramento who wishes to have an understanding of the fundamentals of the Christian Faith, and how to pass it on to others. In particular it is for parish leaders, catechists, teachers, home schooling parents, and those involved in pastoral or liturgical ministries. At the completion of the course, participants are able to use this formation toward Catechetical Certification with the Diocese of Sacramento. This formation is designed to ensure catechists are fit for the mission: not only to impart knowledge of the faith, but to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Online classes are offered every January and September
- Live classes are offered in English and Spanish at the Diocesan Formation Centers.
For more information and to register visit: https://www.scd.org/family-and-faith-formation/catechetical-foundations
If you are a Catholic School Teacher looking to earn a Catholic School Teacher Certification, please contact the Office of Family & Faith Formation at (916) 733-0177