Confirmation Leader Handbook
" All Christian formation consists of entering more deeply into the kerygma” and incarnating it ever more fully in our lives. Consequently, youth ministry should always include occasions for renewing and deepening our personal experience of the love of God and the living Christ." Christus Vivit 214
Young People involvement in the life of the Church and in society. Watch this exciting video video
For some administration resources Administration Page
A comprehensive parish outreach ministry to young people and their families includes focusing our time and resources in how we evangelize and catechize our confirmation candidates. The Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry proposes that young people and their families be engaged in dynamic confirmation programs that continue after the reception of the sacrament in strong faith giving youth ministry. Therefore, we propose that Coordinators take into consideration these four pillars during the young person's Confirmation Prep years:
Encountering Christ through Retreats and meaningful prayer experiences
Encountering Christ in the classroom as we meet other teens.
Encountering Christ in the world. Performing service out of compassion and love
Building the Domestic Church. Equipping parents to build the Spiritual journey of young people.
Content for Immediate Preparation
At a minimum, in an immediate preparation process for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation must cover this material:
- Sacraments of Initiation
- Essential Elements, Effects and Minister of the Sacrament of Baptism
- Essential Elements, Effects, Requirements for Reception and Minister of the Sacrament of the Eucharist
- Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist
- Essential Elements, Effects, Requirements for Reception and Minister of the Sacrament of Confirmation
- An Understanding of the Rite of Confirmation
- Liturgical Signs and Symbols
- Candidate Responses
- Purpose of Sponsor
- Role of the Family and the Community
- Call to Discipleship
- Living as a member of the Body of Christ (the universal Church)
- Within the parish context
- Within the general community
- Within your immediate sphere of influence (eg. family, friends, and schoolmates)
- Living as a member of the Body of Christ (the universal Church)
- Vocational Discernment
- Role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Trinity
- Familiarity with the names and application of the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit.