What is the Jubilee Year?
A jubilee year is a time in which God’s holiness transforms us. The Bible indicates that the holy year was intended to be marked as a time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation. In 1470, Pope Paul II declared that Holy Years would be celebrated every 25 years. Holy Year, or Jubilee Year, includes special celebrations and pilgrimages, strong calls for conversion and repentance, and special opportunities to experience God’s grace through the sacraments, especially confession.
When does the Jubilee Year begin?
The Jubilee Year starts on December 24, 2024 with the opening of the Holy Door in Rome. In our Diocese, we will celebrate a special Vigil mass to proclaim the Jubilee Year at the Cathedral on Saturday, December 28, 2024 (The Feast of the Holy Family).
When does the Jubilee Year end?
The Holy Doors in Rome will close on December 28, 2025 and the Jubilee will formally conclude in Rome on January 6, 2026 (The Solemnity of Epiphany).
Why is the theme for the Jubilee Year "Pilgrims of Hope"?
Pope Francis had dedicated this Jubilee Year to “Pilgrims of Hope”. In the heart of each person dwells the desire and expectation of good things to come, despite not knowing what the future may bring. This Jubilee Year is an opportunity to be renewed in hope, in the hope of “life everlasting”. Through our baptism, we are Pilgrims of Hope, opened to God’s grace, nourished by Jesus Christ, and accompanied by the Holy Spirit. On this journey anchored by unending hope, we patiently yearn to see God as he is, to be living stones transformed into spiritual houses, and to await with creation for God’s redemption.
How can I celebrate the Jubilee Year?
Here are 9 ways to live the Jubilee Year:
- Pray the Jubilee Prayer
- Visit and pray at the pilgrimage sites
- Reflect on the Diocesan Themes and share your thoughts with others
- Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the 24 Hours for the Lord, and more frequently throughout the year
- Research the Patron Saint of your parish or school. Who were they? How were they a pilgrim of hope? Share one of their quotes or teachings on social media
- Share stories of hope with someone in person or on social media
- Invite a family from the parish who you don’t know well to dinner in your home
- Take a hike with your family and spend some time along the way in prayer, thanking God for all He has created and all the blessings He has given to us
- Attend Jubilee days and events on the calendar and invite someone to join you.
What is an indulgence?
Please refer to this article on Plenary Indulgences.
Is there a liturgy resource to celebrate Mass for the Jubilee Year?
Yes, the Mass for the Holy Year resource is listed in the Jubilee Materials page.
What are the 12 Pilgrimage Sites in this Diocese?
Please see Pilgrimage Sites page for info.
What are the 3 diocesan themes for the Jubilee Year?
During the Jubilee Year, Bishop Soto invites all Catholics to reflect upon:
For what do we hope?
- To see God.
“We shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
Everyone who has this hope based on him makes
himself pure as he is pure.” — 1 John 3:2-3 - To be living stones in His temple.
“Like living stone, let yourself be built into a
spiritual house” — 1 Peter 2:5 - To Unite all creation in Christ.
“Creation awaits with eager expectation the
revelation of the children of God” — Romans 8:19
What are the parish icon stickers for?
Each brochure guide includes one sticker sheet with 12 parish icon stickers. the purpose of the stickers is to "mark" your visit by placing the sticker of the parish you visited onto matching parish icon located in the brochure. It is encourage that all Catholics make their best effort to visit all 12 pilgrimage sites throughout the Jubilee Year.